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it all started when...

I drove to work and had car accident! was November 2011 and I was working over 6 years in a polish pharmaceutical company. The accident wasn't serious, but while sitting at home on sick leave I started to have an impression that I no longer feel like working as a medical representative. I was thinking - maybe it's just not for me. I needed a breath, a fresh start!

First I dyed my hair red:) and then it hit me... I called my husband and said: Ok, no more selling, I want to do something that really fascinates me, I want to work with animals!
Why animals? Because being around them always made me happy and also: the simplest ideas in life are the best! Sounds cliche? Yes, of course, but I decided to go for it! 
I gave up my corporate life to do something that is way more fun. I helped myself find the right job and now I can help you and your dog as well
Let's meet!

I look forward to working with you:)

I am devoted to canine body language and interested in comparative studies between dogs and wolves

I'm passionate about canine sense of smell and I always use dog's natural need to explore and sniff during training. I offer individual nose work sessions in which dogs learn how to recognize and search for particular scents

In my training sessions your dog can also benefit from prioprioceptive exercises, which improve the body awareness and coordination. Additionally, such activities help fearful and reactive dogs better integrate sensory information from the environment and develop well balanced social behavior

It is also fascinating to observe how dogs learn through imitation, therefore I use methods based on this way of learning too

Individual approach in training process is very important to me and I always put the dog's comfort first

Completed courses:

  • Dog trainer course (Dogmenti Berlin 2020) 

  • Dog wise course "Dog school" (COAPE Poland 2014-2015) 

  • Pet sitter course  (COAPE Poland 2012) 


  • collaboration with animal welfare organizations (foster home for pets, preparing dogs for adoption) 2012-2014 

  • professional pet sitting, dog walking 2012-2022

  • positive dog training, behavior consulting  since 2015

Check my all qualifications here

Meet my own dog


my beloved rescue dog, Dutch Shepherd/ German Shepherd mix, an amazing adventure and challenge since 2013

in my free time ...
I travel to feed my eyes and stomach, take photos of architecture, street art and abandoned chairs, I paint and give a new life to old objects
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